
Choose your colour and go cruising! Welcome Anchorages 2020 has been dissected into popular sailing sectors, each with its own designated colour coding and in which, all the moorings and marinas listed have facilities ashore to ensure that you will have your major requirements, culinary and otherwise, catered for, thus making your cruise go more smoothly while increasing the enjoyment factor.

Our most popular cruising area is the Clyde, North of Ireland and the Scottish west coast archipelago, now collectively labelled ‘MalinWaters’.

Indeed it was the support of MalinWaters, together with Crown Estate Scotland, British Marine Scotland and northern sailing periodical Yachting Life that we were able to comprehensively cover all the major anchorages on the north coast of Ireland.

You can read more about Crown Estate Scotland on page 4 and British Marine on page 11.

The MalinWaters website is a source of wide ranging supplementary information: www.malinwaters.com

Welcome Anchorages is not intended to be a pilot book or sailing directions, and you will find more information about these essential publications on page 75. Safe navigation depends on accurate and up to date information and these provide it in good measure.

Welcome Anchorages is available free at boat shows, chandleries, marinas and marine trade outlets, also to download from this website.

Whether you are a Scottish or Irish based cruising sailor, or a visitor from further afield, we hope you enjoy planning your cruise and have memorable voyaging in these waters.

We are always improving the information Welcome Anchorages provides, and keeping it as up to date as possible, so please send suggestions and updates via our website emailing facility.

We wish you fair winds and good sailing in 2018 and hope you will find this tenth annual edition as useful as its predecessors.


Alistair Vallance


Welcome Anchorages editor Alistair Vallance sees the annual publication as a perfect partner for regular cruising yachtsmen, also assisting the growing number of foreign visitors who wish to sail in northern UK waters. Alistair is a member of the Royal Yachting Association and the Clyde Cruising Club. He is also on the board of British Marine Scotland.

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